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What We Offer

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Psychiatric Evaluations

A proper evaluation, assessment, and diagnosis is essential and is the first step towards being able to properly treat mental health conditions. Using therapeutic approach to understanding clients needs helps to establish a strong client relationship. This is essential to the services we provide. Our goal is to provide an individualized and unique experience to all clients.

Medication Management 

The use of medication has been proven to help with the chemical imbalances associated with some psychiatric disorders.  Our patients can choose to receive medication for their wellbeing or require regular medication to help them manage their mental disorder. We will help them stay on schedule, refill their prescriptions, and monitor their progress and well-being. They will receive all the information required through the period of their treatment.  We are here for you and your family..


Psychotherapy is sometimes needed and evidence shows that the combination of medication management and psychotherapy is effective in treating mental and behavioral disorders. We are trained in various therapeutic techniques. We tailor our approach to the goals and needs of each individual. We collaborate with other professionals and we recommend and refer out based on need. 

Our team provides diagnosis and treatment for the following conditions

Services and Treatments

  • Psychiatric Evaluations

  • Medication Management

  • Psychotherapy 

  • ADHD /Adults and Children


  • Anxiety

  •  Bi-Polar Disorder 1&2

  • Depression

  •  Insomnia

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • Gender Dysphoria

  • Schizophrenia

  •  PTSD


ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder which affect's adults and children in their everyday life because it affects how you behave.

Symptoms often include ongoing, inattention, an inability to focus, hyperactivity, or impulsivity. These patterns may lead you to face challenges in how you function daily and develop skills.

ADHD is usually diagnosed in childhood at around ages 6-12, but symptoms can become apparent at any age. With the proper treatment, you can better manage ADHD symptoms and day-to-day life. A treatment plan is customized to meet your needs and goals. Call the office to schedule an appointment online today. 

BiPolar Disorders

Bipolar disorder is a chronic mental health condition that causes unexpected changes in mood and energy levels. These mood changes may affect your quality of life and ability to manage daily responsibilities. Bipolar disorder has different types 1&2 dependig on the type of Bipolar disorder it can result in episodes of manic highs and depressive lows or both. There are a number of ways bipolar disorder can negatively impact your mental, emotional, and physical health. With the right treatment you can live effectively with bipolar disorder—without effective treatment, symptoms may worsen over time.  Contact us to schedule an online appoitment today.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders can be devastating and even life-threatening conditions. The preoccupation with eating and exercise habits, weight, and physical appearance are not superficial or vain concerns, but symptoms of disordered thinking and maladaptive coping mechanisms in response to powerful emotions. These disorders often occur alongside or as the result of a mental health disorder such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. The physical consequences of eating disorders can be severe, including organ failure, infertility, electrolyte imbalance, brain damage, and even death. However, the emotional struggles of people with eating disorders such as anorexia can be equally distressing and require intensive professional intervention in order to resolve.

Gender Dsyphoria 

Gender Dysphoria is the conflict that occurs when one identifies with a gender different than the one that they were biologically born with. Adults and Children experience intense emotional distress because they feel that they were born as the wrong gender. It’s important to note that being transgender (also called trans) or gender-nonconforming is not a mental health disorder. It is the stress, anxiety, feeling of depression ad suicidal thoughts  that comes from these feelings that need to be treated.  Contact us to schedule an appointment online today.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

If you have ever experienced a traumatic event it is normal for it to take some time to process and to adjust emotionally and psychologically to those events. Unfortunately not everyone heals, the memories and emotions continue to dwell causing many life difficulties. Without treatment, the trauma that caused PTSD is likely to remain and  problems like holding down a job, building and maintaining personal relationships, and performing normal everyday routines can occur. Wound from trauma can be so deep it cannot be seen but felt. Depression, confusion, anxiety, shame, and anger are some common feelings that may arise over time. Cotanct us to schedule an online appointment today.


Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that causes hallucinations, distorted thinking and delusions. While it is a rare disorder one can still lead a regular independent and fulfilling, independent life. With the right treatment and psychiatric care it can be regulated. For more info and/or to schedule an appointment call our office or fill out the form to contact us.

We at Miracle Mental Health take our clients Mental Health serious and we will do our best to ensure that as a client you are listened too and treated as an indivdual not just a number. We are a team and we believe that together we can help ensure that you meet your goals and begin your journey to a healthy and rewarding life.


Depression, fear, and anxiety are some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we can experience at some point in our lives. Anxiety has various types and can often lead to you feeling intense, worried, fearful, panicky, and nervous. These feelings can lead to depression and other disorders. It is important to get treatmet for an anxiety disorder to improve development and self-esteem. If you do not treat anxiety disorders can interfere with Family relationships,

School performance, and Social functioning.

It can lead to  more serious mental and physical health problems. Fortunately, there are several treatments for anxiety disorders. The right treatment can help you or your child manage their symptoms and feel normal. Contact us to schedule appoinment online today.

Adjustment Disorder

Adjustment disorder is a stress-related mental illness that causes impairment and distress following a single stressful event or ongoing stress. It may cause a range of emotional and behavioral symptoms including sadness, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and feelings of being overwhelmed. Adjustment disorder persists for several months but responds well to treatment with therapy and medications when appropriate. It often co-occurs with other mental illnesses disorders, so screening and treating all issues a person has is important for the best outcomes.

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, or DMDD for short, may be the proper diagnosis if you’re dealing with a teen with a combination of mood symptoms and highly disruptive and intense behaviors.  Frequent anger outbursts combined with persistent, severe, and chronic irritability are the primary symptoms of DMDD. With the right treatment plan your child can learn to control these emotions and behaviors. Contact us to schedule an online appointment today.

Obsessive/Compulsive Disorders

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental disorder that causes an individual to have obsessive thoughts and urges that are persistent, and unwanted. These obsessive thoughts may cause severe anxiety and distress causing compulsions to help soothe that anxiety.

The compulsions are often related to the obsessions and other times it may not be related. Compulsions are excessive acts that relieve anxiety but cna be time consuming and take up the majority of your day, and the person has no control to stop the behavior or stop the thought.

Contact us to schedule an online appointment today.

Sleep Disorders (Insomnia)

Sleep disorders are conditions that impair a person's ability to get the necessary restorative sleep. The causes of these conditions varie and generally have developed from different habits one obtains before they go to sleep to a number of medical problems that disrupt the normal sleep cycle. Sleep disorders can have a profound effect on a person's overall health. 

Symptoms of sleep disorders vary depending on the type of sleep disorder. The symptoms may range from mild to severe and usually include one or more of the following: hypersomnia (excessive daytime sleepiness) insomnia (decreased sleep efficiency with unrestful sleep with frequent waking in the night), loud snoring and/or brief pauses in breathing (short periods of apnea), leg movements or an urge to move the legs at night, sleepwalking, or night terrors (nightmares). Contact us to schedule an online appointment today.


 Depression is a chronic mood disorder that can be difficult to recover from without treatment. Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in the U.S. Many individuals suffer from depression. There are different types of depression. If you or your child are experiencing a feeling of loneliness, sad, down and you think that you or them may be suffering from depression it is important to seek help. Contact us to schedule an online appointment today.

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